Business or Hobby | How to Become A Famous Blogger

Yesterday, I was left with a comment by EttaD in response to WHEN THINGS GO SOUTH -BLOG  which was about how regular Bloggers like you and I became famous. Her comment is as follows.

This is all great, but how do you generate and income from blogging? If is by luck like becoming a Hollywood star, you have to first be discovered? Or Simply have a gazillion followers? I’ve seen a lot of great bloggers on here and other sights with GREAT blog stories and thousands of followers, but they have not yet be discovered into stardom.
Great post though!

Open Floor: I would like some feedback as to what makes you go back to certain sites and why? Be honest. Thank you.


Failing, depressionThere are no real secrets, as I mentioned in earlier posts, a Google search is all it takes to unlock certain key elements in finding out what makes for a good Blog or makes it fail.

First, if you are Blogging with no aspirations of hitting Hollywood as some would say, then you have already won! Those that do have aspirations of reaching the stars, becoming elite Power Bloggers then pay attention, Jimmy! Stop twiddling your thumbs, eyes up here please, thank you.

“You only get out of it what you put into it”

Think about that adage for a moment, just like certain college or high school  classes that we felt demanded a lot from us. remember those late nights studying, taking notes trying to remember certain historical events for an exam. The same principle goes with Blogging. Now granted, some might have been able to persuade a member of the opposite sex to do their homework for them freeing their time to party, but did they ever learn anything other than how to manipulate the system.

How to Become A Famous Blogger | Now give the money fool!

HardworkElbow Grease: You need to put the effort in and not be afraid of hard work.  Why did I choose this image? Because fieldwork is back-breaking, hot, dehydration work. Ten hour days in the beating sun. I used to do this when I was fourteen years old in Maxwell. Ca. It taught me a lot about what was truly hard work,

Great Content! I mentioned this before in How to Promote Your Blog. Across the board on every article that you read, having great content is one of the major ingredients for a successful Blog. You have to produce content that brings value to your readers. The content has to make the reader want to come back for more and share your content with others so that it can be exposed to a wider audience.

Know your Audience. I preached this before and this also related to content.  “As a blogger and content marketer it’s your job to help your readers, to guide them, and inspire them. Talking about your experiences is fine — it can add color and personality to your posts — but only if it helps your readers become healthier, happier, or more productive.”

Another quote from copyblogger, “Don’t waste people’s time with an endless stream of blog posts. Only write when you have something to say. Your audience would rather read one post that inspires them than 20 crappy posts with recycled content.”

Quality has more weight than Quantity.

An example of one article that made a person respected and noticed, Pete Cashmore’s article, “If You Don’t Have A MySpace, You’re a Lametard.“ he is the founder and CEO of Mashable. This is the one article that made him. Remember this was a 2006 article when he would have been 20 years old and he started blogging at age 19. For Pete it took one year, others will take longer.

Networking and Meaningful Comments:

Jason from Harsh Reality wrote a great piece called, Networking 101 where he hands you the keys on a silver platter.

In many articles searching on how to be a successful Blogger, you will read networking and leaving a meaningful comment. these are two separate terms but leaving comments is part of networking. What does it mean to leave meaningful comments? I’ll provide an example.

Danny from Dream Big Dream Often recently wrote a fantastic article, Are Our Lives Really Better Today Compared to the Pre-Technology Era?  I left him a rather large comment. I did not just say, great post or liked it lot then off to siesta village.

Not only was I networking but I also left a meaningful comment that proved to the author that I read his article. shaking handsPlus anyone that comes by later to read that article, they will see my cute Gravatar and hopefully click on it to visit my Blog.  Don’t just comment on Blogs within WordPress venture out to the unknown sea of Blogs, leave meaningful comments and frequent those sites often to build a rapport. It will take time.

Building Relationships

Relationships are the key to building a base of popularity for your content. Seek out interesting people and interact with them via blog comments, email, or social media. Look for people that you genuinely want to talk to, and curate their articles. Be professional, be honest, be helpful, be fun. Listen to what people are saying, and be a real person when you respond. You can tell them what you do—but you don’t need to sell them on your services. Besides, their questions, requests, and comments can help you to generate new ideas for content, too!

Be Unique: You have to set yourself apart from the rest of the blogs out there. If you’re into fashion, then ask yourself what makes my Blog different then all the others out there? What can I provide to my readers that will make them want to come back?

Become know in the Blog community. I will call this one Help your fellow Blogger by going out of your way to help them and expect nothing in return. A while back I noticed a problem with a fellow Bloggers Google feed and I messaged her to inform that her post was not set to public shared but private and her only views would come from those in her circle. Another person needed a copyright statement on their blog and other media, so I wrote it out and sent it to them via email. Another person needed a round StumbleUpon icon, so I aided in that. Like Danny wrote in one of his articles, be that person.

ChooChooI think I Can-I think I can! Just like the choo-choo we have to keep positive, focused and keep moving forward. I have seen too many Blogs within WordPress give up.

Time: Building that certain reputation, getting known as a powerful Blogger will require patience and time. Like the cliche, Rome was not built overnight nor by one person. All of these factors that go with Blogging is important.

I have done the research and have several links on how to be successful and how to make money at Blogging.


Make Money Blogging


33 thoughts on “Business or Hobby | How to Become A Famous Blogger

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  1. Such an informative post here and I have definitely have to agree on all the pointers given. It will take time, hard work and dedication to be famous and networking is also key here. 🙂


  2. I found this post through Opinionated man, Jason. I’m glad I did. I have copied the short link because of the amazing information you provided. I look forward to reading more of your blog. You can find me If you like 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I found your blog to not only be very informative, but also easy to read … which is important to someone like me who is still so new to blogging. I look forward to checking out some of the links you provided. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I read an article once that you have to make the content easy to read, granted you still don’t want to use fillers like “The” all the way through the post, Make it easy to read yet not sound like a Baboon. You are very welcome for the information Christina​. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Very interesting post and thank you for providing references to read through. A large part of this process, in my opinion, would also be knowing where to start.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Michael ~ As a new blogger I definitely found your post to be informative. Thank you for taking the time to write it and for the additional links which I will be checking out next. I’m not really sure yet what might set me apart from other blogs but I’m working on it and right now, I’m happy just to enjoy it for what it is, I like to write and I like to set my blog up and learn about it. Clearly I have a lot to learn. Something to look forward to!


  6. Your posts are so helpful and I always get to learn soooo many things! As always, Thanks for the great tips. I know that whenever I need to learn more about blogging, I can rely on your blog as well as Janice’s blog 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. There are so many things I’d like to say and make this comment longer than just: Great post! But: Great post, great tips! I’d like to add as well that a meaningful and longer comment on a post not only shows that you’ve read the post and gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts on the subject, but might also trigger some additional thoughts and might lead to more posts about the same subject. Sometimes one comment can give you so much inspiration and food for more posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Reblogged this on Aloada Bobbins and commented:
    Michael’s blog has evolved since it began and now heavily helps promote bloggers, most recently via links on Reddit but also offering general tips and advice on blogging. A fab community member, he can always be relied upon to respond. For my final reblog of the day, here’s his tips for on how to make sure your content and attitude is right if you want to go ‘pro’!
    *Please visit author’s site to comment!*

    Liked by 2 people

  9. So glad you’ve addressed being real when commenting. I did a blog post recently regarding being genuine, I am so turned off when people comment on things only to say CHECK OUT MY BLOG! Lol. Have a great day. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Michael, first I want to say that you are one of my favorite places to go, you are very informative & you have a way of sharing that points me in the right direction. Thank You! I go back to certain sites that informative, inspiring, getting their point across, similarity, in blogs, some are funny, anything nature catches my eye. I have learned a great deal from a lot of people, with that I say Thank you all.

    Liked by 2 people

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