My 2016 in Retrospect

As one reader stated, “What a ride”

MJ Speaks

I need to make a very big sigh first of all because my 2016, is one of my best years despite all the setbacks i encountered. Where do i start from?

January 2016 – I was through with my Masters coursework, just my thesis left, i made the decision to move back to Lagos again so i could get one of those broadband modems with 50gb monthly allocation at a lower rate compared to the major players. Too much data you think? Trust me not enough, and i never download movies, #Fact. I love going to the cinema to watch them, mostly alone. Haha.

whatsapp-image-2017-01-07-at-12-53-50 Picture of me taken in February

February 2016 – I found myself working (got the job around Jan 10th), additional good pay i thought, of course i was excited, commuting 2 hours to and fro because i was yet to get an apartment. Towards the end, i…

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Ancestry DNA Deal Cyber Monday

DNA Ancestry Deal Cyber MondayFor those who are into Genealogy and those who just want to discover their Ethnicity, prove or disprove old family stories,  you can not beat this deal. The offer end tonight.  Earlier this year I took mine when it cost $89.00 plus tax depending on the state you live in. The regular price is around a $100.00 bucks, so $69.00 plus tax again depending on where you live is a great deal. Also, when I did mine they offered me a membership on for $49.00 for 6 months instead of the normal price of $99.00.

Also, yo just might find some relatives you never heard of and make a connection!

Native American, Ethinicity, Donald Trump,
This is my results that I am sharing with you!

The Blame Game!

History Economy and Immigration Reform

The Blame Game!


 Blaming immigrants for past and current economic problems is nothing new, this argument has been around throughout our history where most blame Hispanics among other foreign cultures for low wages, no affordable housing, subpar living standards and the list goes on with this blame game.

Facebook live routersThe other day, I watched a live broadcast via Facebook produced by Router’s, and I must admit as the live comments scrolled by, that I witnessed several hateful and some rather cold-blooded comments pass by. The back-story of their broadcast pertained to asking an alien, their fears, and concerns under a Trump administration provided he does indeed follow through on his rhetoric’s.

There is a reason why students are taught history in grade school and college, the reason is that history has a tendency to repeat itself, unlike the election of 2016 that stunned many across the board where mouths dropped to the floor, eyes open yet caught in this psychedelic hypnotizing thick fog, others feeling the need to vomit from that clumpy spoiled milk, while others reached for the bourbon in a state of dismay.

If you watched Mr. Trump being interviewed on 60 Minutes and of course his rhetoric of deporting immigrant criminals, some may think this is new for calling for a mass deportation, but it is not.  The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 under the Presidency of Adams,

 “No protesting the government? No immigrants allowed in? No freedom of the press. Lawmakers jailed? Is this the story of the Soviet Union during the Cold War? No. It describes the United States in 1798 after the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.”

Roosevelt, FDR, Economic depressionThe Great Depression of 1930 to 1950. The 30’s were enormously miserable and Franklin D. Roosevelt had to find a way to calm the citizens of the U.S, at the same time produce jobs for a starving society. Let us blame this on the Mexicans, deport them so that there will be jobs for our Americans.  The Economy and Immigration V also known as “The Mexican Repatriation”, not only was it a desperate time but also created a dark stain in our American History, they were treated less than human, created an environment of hate, deported close to ten thousand Mexicans if not more and roughly, half were Citizens of the U.S.

Forward to the 1940’s, during the year of 1940 an amendment was Bacero Programmade to fingerprint and registration of all aliens, 1942 led to the Bracero Program where Mexico and The U.S came to an agreement to allow what I would call the “Migrant Worker for farms”. This was the agreement because Farmers wanted cheaper labor and workers that would do the work. The Bacero Program lasted until around 1948-50, then we get the “Wetback Operation” 1952-1954. Kick them out! Military and Police joinedOperation Wetback. 1953, history, mexican culture forces and if you looked slightly Mexican whether you were a U.S born citizen, did not matter, you were gone!

It seems when we face hard economic times it is easier to play the Blame Game, provide scapegoats instead of facing certain facts of mismanagement, not passing bills on a timely manner because of squabbles within the Congress and Senate houses allowing the Governmental agencies like the park services to close, allowing escalation of debt from borrowed money. In 2011, John McCain (R-Ariz) actually blamed the Arizona and New Mexico’s wildfire on immigrants.

We are a diverse nation built on immigrants whom for the most part actually made it better, to blame certain problems that our nation faces are not the way to correct the factual problem that exists, certain fears that arise when violent crimes are committed, feeling or needing to oust bad weeds from the garden because of skin color, to blame all criminal activities, economic hardships to the swine flu on immigrants does not bear fruits, but instead our great U.S.S Nations sails in a circle lost in past mistakes that we should have learnt from.   


The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33 John Green 2006 Printz Award for his debut novel, Looking for Alaska, and his sixth novel, The Fault in Our Stars

The New Deal: Crash Course US History #34

Who to Blame for the Financial Crises by Mortimer Zuckerman

Subprime Suspects The right blames the credit crisis on poor minority homeowners. This is not merely offensive, but entirely wrong. By Daniel Gross

Video Surfaces of Hillary Clinton Blaming Homeowners for Financial Crisis Amanda Girard | January 16, 2016

Who Caused the Economic Crisis? blames McCain advisers. He blames Obama and Democrats in Congress. Both are wrong. By Joe Miller Posted on October 1, 2008

Trump’s grandfather ‘kicked out of Germany for avoiding military service’ By Angela Dewan and Madleen Schroeder, CNN Updated 1:18 PM ET, Wed November 23, 2016

Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address (1933), Great Depression primary source document with reading questions Posted on July 11, 2012


Here I Go 

“It is my hope that love and tolerance will always win out of over hate and bigotry. it’s up to us to hold our leaders to a higher standard and demand that they govern with dignity, integrity and compassion.” Powerful message of unity for possible troubling times that may lie ahead of us! Also, check out her new book! You can find it on Amazon, Goodreads gives it a 4.94 out of five stars. Title: Self Help to Self Harm: The Dubious Guide to Life, Love, and Relationships

Everything I Never Told You

Hello lovely ones. Just a few random thoughts from a chaotic mind. Firstly, I’d like to say that, I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to read and follow this blog. It means the world to me. I’ve connected with some really wonderful and talented folks. I’m grateful for those connections and I know that some of those friendships will carry-on for many years to come. Having said that, I will be cutting back on the amount of time I spend here. Life has taken on a very busy tone of late. I will still be posting but the frequencies of my posts will be more sporadic and sparse. My goal is to at least post once a week.

Secondly, I don’t want to get political but I will say that now more than ever, I am praying for our country.. It should be noted, I’m not even a…

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You Want To Move To Canada? Yay!

This is too good not to reblog,

I Ruin Joy


So you don’t like Trump, you’re going to escape him by going to America’s 51st state. I like when you call us America’s hat, that makes you our shirt, cool, maybe grow some tits. People from everywhere are dying to get into Canada, but when they get here, it’s never quite what they expected. Before you go through all that time and effort, let me explain what you’re getting into.

You’re going to have to learn how to be polite! Try saying “thank you” once, just to practice. Also we say “sorry?” or “pardon?” when we can’t hear you, not “wut?”, we also say sorry to inanimate objects we bump into. If you don’t, people look at you weird.

Oh and the lovely french language, it’s so easy to learn, you’ll love it since it’s the only language spoken after work hours.

Oh no, he has a foyer in his…

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Motivation Monday| Failures

Ran across this gem and well worth the read by this young woman with great advice when dealing with Racism!



Let me tell you a story about a girl. A little brown girl who lived in a fairytale. Her favorite tale was Cinderella because Cinderella wasn’t born a princess but she had the qualities that could rule the world in peace. She loved Cinderella and felt like her because just like Cinderella she wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth but had high dreams. However, this girl imagined that she was locked up in this high tower and someday she would get out of it and see the light of the world. She knew the world wasn’t how she imagined it but she wanted to taste, feel and see how it really was.

She grew up and while growing up she came to know the world was much more than what she thought. She saw happy colors and light around her but she realised it wasn’t all…

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Back when I knew it all

Greenwich Lane

The first concert I ever went to was with my Mum. We went to see our favourite band Savage Garden at the Sydney Entertainment Centre. It was amazing and probably my favourite concert I’ve ever been to. The lead singer of the band is Darren Hayes and he penned a beautiful letter to his 15 year old self. I’m also inspired when I read the letter and it reminds me to not take things for granted, and to not dwell on the little things.

If I could tell my childhood self 5 things about the future they would be:

  1. The HSC exam at the end of school doesn’t and won’t define you. You’ll become a successful teacher and love your job. The HSC mark didn’t get you there, you won a scholarship where YOU got the chance to shine, not your essays
  2. Don’t take things so personally – those without…

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