Pinterest When to Share and Not!

A colleague and friend Janice from recently asked me whom had a Reader asked a few questions pertaining to Copyrights. So, here we go.

Question 1:
(“Is it a violation to share music videos?”)
I will assume this would pertain to YouTube music videos, it depends, if a person shares a music video to Facebook or Twitter it houses the link to the original source that it was obtained from, as bloggers we like this for a few reasons, generate more traffic, gain more subscribers and so on.
When is not ok to use the music video. Simply put, if a person were to download the video then upload the content to their YouTube channel then this is referred to as stealing.

Question 2:
(“Old photos I find at yard sales/flea markets. I have no idea who the people in the photos are, and the pictures were for sale, so is it okay to post some of these photos?”)
To the best of my knowledge this should be fine to share on Facebook, personal blog, I would probably make some sort of statement about the photos in question like, Found these lovely old photos from the 1900’s while at an Estate Sale. Besides, most of us have seen old photos as well as very old photo albums selling on EBay and other sites. The original owners either through them out, Landlords or Apartment managers through them out which in most cases -considered as abandoned property.

Question 3:
(“Pinterest. I thought it was for finding photos, etc. to put on your own board, but have heard that you can be sued for doing this. How can Pinterest stay in business if everyone posts photos from everywhere onto their boards. Is this wrong? I’m scared to use it any more!”)
This one is a bit tricky especially when it comes to the wording within their Policies. There are some concerns, now, if the item in question is your own work then you still hold the copyright. Fine and dandy right, there is a caveat within their policies. I will provide an excerpt from their Policy page.

b. How Pinterest and other users can use your content
You grant Pinterest and our users a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable, worldwide license to use, store, display, reproduce, save, modify, create derivative works, perform, and distribute your User Content on Pinterest solely for the purposes of operating, developing, providing, and using the Pinterest Products. Nothing in these Terms shall restrict other legal rights Pinterest may have to User Content, for example under other licenses. We reserve the right to remove or modify User Content for any reason, including User Content that we believe violates these Terms or our policies.
More simply put
Copies of content shared with others may remain even after you delete the content from your account.
c. How long we keep your content
Following termination or deactivation of your account, or if you remove any User Content from Pinterest, we may retain your User Content for a commercially reasonable period of time for backup, archival, or audit purposes. Furthermore, Pinterest and its users may retain and continue to use, store, display, reproduce, re-pin, modify, create derivative works, perform, and distribute any of your User Content that other users have stored or shared through Pinterest.

For most of us, the main concern comes from the part that Pinterest and other users could modify and create deviated works from it. So keep this in mind if you pin your own material.
A good rule of thumb to use when pining a pin, especially if the work comes from a Photographer, if you are not sure- then do not.

For further reading:


Keeping Records and Photos Organized

Lately, I have been spending my time working on my family tree and as most of you may know the well dries up from time to time. I recently located a second cousin residing in Spring, Texas whom gave some wonderful treasures that I never knew existed. Talk about excitement. I also found a distant cousin living in Piedras Negras that emailed me some photos that belong to her Mother’s cousin that lives in Monclova, Mexico. The lady informed me I have an open invitation to visit her. Exciting!

Dowd, oconnell surnamesWhen it comes to the research, we find records, hopefully some photos that get placed on hard drives or flash drives perhaps in a specific folder or spread across different directories that just might become hard to find if we forgot which folder we put it in. The stack of printed paper that is scattered across our desks. I started to think that there has to be away to organize the information for faster access that is located on our personal computers.

I spent the last few days working on a program that would do just that. granted it is still in the design phase and I would like your thoughts, your input.

Database, Ancestry records, porn, sports, golfThis is the main screen concept.

On the thumb nail images if you click on the view larger button you would get a lager view of the images that opens up golf, horse, horse ridding, cowboys, sportsin a new window.

So let me know your thought.

This is my great grandfather Alfonso rios Gonzalez with his daughters taken in 1917 possible Farmersville, Texas since they were on the 1920 census record for that area.



#Loveuary ❤ Days 20 & 21 – Special

Syl65's Blog

My Sister Ritu has an open invitation prompt for the month of February with the theme being Love.

I doubled up today ❤❤

Special female and male

My mom and sister are always in my thoughts

But looking outside the scope of things

There is another who occupies my thoughts

You came at a time when I was about to concede

To go about life quietly being me

Just as I was about to shut the door

Your gentle knocking pleaded with me to leave it open

All I could see was light like I had never seen before

And from that day forth

I decided to live openly once more

You will always be an inspiration to me

Hey, bro

I miss you down here

When I come across something that I know you would appreciate

You had your battle to fight and I believe you won

View original post 70 more words

Shes Got Talant

Sunday perspectives.

Disagree or agree, united or divided, perhaps this is one thing that we all can agree on. A young lady of sixteen who won the Americas Got Talent, Jackie Evancho who sang the National Anthem at the recent Inauguration did an amazing job.

Electoral College Vote – Why

In a previous post, Right to the Moon Alice I was asked a question. That question, “January 10, 2017 at 6:22 pm

“How could we have voted this monster into office?!!”

To answer this we would have to go back in history to our founding fathers whom are responsible for drafting that bill and placing certain people in a special group to decide who will actually get into office. I’ve blogged about this before and this is one of the things we learn in history class, provided the teacher is good.

The Electoral College was placed in the event that we the citizens of the United States were viewed as dumb and ignorant to place a person in office.

There are augments for both sides of the coin, perhaps they had reason to do so and this Jay Leno video gives enlightenment to that one aspect as to why.

So, if one of your friends or relatives has the same question, comfort them by saying, “WE DIDN’T” put this creature in office, the Electoral College did.

Tit for Tat

Tit for Tat a phrase derived from a 1556 English term “Tip for Tap”, a phrase used to describe “blow for blow” the 1935 movie “Tit for Tat” staring Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Mae Busch demonstrates this to a Tee. Our friend, Gary Loggins  could possibly give a better description of this movie than I.

The Twitter feeds have been exploding since Congressman  John Lewis whom most of know as an iconic leader in Civil Right Movements stated that the President-Elect is not a legitimate President.  This is a day where we are supposed to be celebrating Martin Luther King Jr march for Freedom for all, putting a stop of hanging, torturing, segregation, burning, bulling  and plain pissing on a person rights cause of their skin color. Instead, we get Tit for Tat tweet storms that is not solving anything.

Twitter wars, Trump Vs John LewisWhen will we as a society learn from our past mistakes?  “you punch me in the eye, I will punch you in the groin.” This appears to be the main stream these days. Kind of makes one fear the “Finger on the button”.

Trump tweet warsSometimes, this scribe forgets that we are dealing with a person that retaliates anyone that does not agree with him and get inline like good little sheep should. After all, sheep are very easy to silence than larger animals.

SNL, Saturaday Night Live

Time for some levity.

Slowly coming back

I am slowly re-entering to the blogging realm. The reason why I was basically absent is due to health for part of it.

I have been battling high cholesterol which I am taking a 20mg pill for, and currently trying to change my diet due to doctors informing me I am diabetic type 2. I am not on the pill yet but March will tell the tell when another blood test is done.

Dna Indian native American The diabetes makes since after having a DNA test done with, finding out I ! have 19 to 21 percent Native American in my blood. Ancestry said it could be more but not sure. Any way, Native Americans are know to get diabetes, also a phone conversation with my first cousin Joe  once removed but, due the age gap we were told address them as uncle Grandmother Texas Mexico indianor aunt, found out he is type 2 diabetic, my uncle Manny died from diabetes as well as my great grandmother Refugium Flores  (Reza then Herrera).  It runs in the blood.

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