Final Scene

Final Scene

The Day before Thanksgiving.

Faint whispers

Nimbus hovers over

Salty tears

Billie gently takes your hand

Sine wave flattens

Dissipating fog

Forgotten memories shine bright 

Roots strong as Damascus steel

You are home with Father now

R.I.P Uncle

Back when I knew it all

Greenwich Lane

The first concert I ever went to was with my Mum. We went to see our favourite band Savage Garden at the Sydney Entertainment Centre. It was amazing and probably my favourite concert I’ve ever been to. The lead singer of the band is Darren Hayes and he penned a beautiful letter to his 15 year old self. I’m also inspired when I read the letter and it reminds me to not take things for granted, and to not dwell on the little things.

If I could tell my childhood self 5 things about the future they would be:

  1. The HSC exam at the end of school doesn’t and won’t define you. You’ll become a successful teacher and love your job. The HSC mark didn’t get you there, you won a scholarship where YOU got the chance to shine, not your essays
  2. Don’t take things so personally – those without…

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What’s Wrong with this Picture

July 4th 2016 Brooking, SD parade.

Parades, Fourth of July, cute girlsA 1921 ford, people walking, smiling and laughing, as a parade should be, yet there is something wrong within the image. We use them, like them, love and hate them. But, do they need to be present during a parade, especially when one should be waving there hands instead of holding the addicting, smart, shinning entity?

The American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

This morning I thought I would share an image in motion.

It has been a busy few weeks so far at the home front. A 50th anniversary, a nephew-in-law moving party where I felt like a third wheel since I have limited use of my left arm and hand, yet did some minor cleaning. A virus removal on Deb’s Mothers computer, breakfast  tomorrow morning with Deb’s Aunt.

Come this August, will be going to see my grand Aunt Cris on my Dad’s side whom I have not seen since the mid 80’s. I will be in Denver, Colorado during the fourth week of August. I also hope to capture some great images while there.

The American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

Birds, Robins, Robin, American RobinThe first image most of you have already seen, yet I put it up on a photography group and is getting great reviews.

Manual Mode:
No flash
1/1600sec 5.6 ISO 320
Exposure Comp: 0



Sparrow Coasting

Sparrow,Sparrows, Type of birdsNow, these birds are small and fast, very difficult to capture, but with patients and a whole lot of luck – I caught it zipping by me in an empty field. A field I can no longer shoot in due to the paranoia of the planed Parent Hood that is across the empty field,  😦  It is what it is!

A Pigeon I do believe, but don’t really have a clue!

Colorfuls birds






vulture, vultures, soringWhile I was trying to capture four military jets flying by, this one large bird was flying in the opposite direction, so I focused on this bird. I still don’t really know what it is. After watching “Defying Gravity” that aired on the Nova channel a couple of days ago, I believe it maybe a Vulture of some type.



gopher,gophersNot a bird, not that sharp.





I hope everyone enjoyed viewing the images,

Leave me feedback with your honest opinions about the images.


Morning Bliss!

Surprises come in all forms!


Good morning my fellow Bloggers, I am going to share some news with you this morning.

birds nest, bird eggs, birds flying, photography, bird watchingPops has a Doctors appointment for his Hypertension today, so we decided to deliver the news to you. Just like your Blogs they go up and down as you humans also experience in your life riding the roller coaster of life.

This morning is on the up! Wait and see how the Doctors visit goes!!!!

robin, birds flying, perching, perch

Do we still have your attention? I hope so, this news is important to our pops, he recently had a DNA test done and wishes for us to share the news with you. It was painless from what I hear and very simple. Would you like to see the results? Well let me hear you sing!



Ethnicity, Native American, Spain, Irish, England

Who knows, some of us just may be related in way or another!


We Create Our Own Happiness

This is good!

Everything I Never Told You


Let’s take the sun and leave
the rain for other minds.
Let the light go straight
to the center of our brains.
Linger on the green grass
of a happier life. Home free,
but not homeless.
Let’s live in the world
inside of us where nothing can be lost.
Someplace where it’s always autumn and
there are plenty of leaves to break our fall.
Just you and me where’s there’s no them or they.
Showing the hollowed out existence,
the slamming screen door.
No longer waiting on the light
to save us but shining our
own brilliance. Knowing
if the light ever finds us,
we’ll light its way.

-Tosha Michelle

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