Warming Your Car Up – Not Michigan

We do live in interesting times, don’t we.

I recently ran across an article about a man in Michigan warming his car up and like most of us that live in below temps, we scrap the ice off the windshield, step inside for a bit to collect are last minute things. Unfortunately for this one young man, when he did it, he got the preverbal golden ticket of the Law.

Man gets $128 ticket for leaving car running in drivewaySo the young man posted the ticket to his Facebook and went viral.



Here I Go 

“It is my hope that love and tolerance will always win out of over hate and bigotry. it’s up to us to hold our leaders to a higher standard and demand that they govern with dignity, integrity and compassion.” Powerful message of unity for possible troubling times that may lie ahead of us! Also, check out her new book! You can find it on Amazon, Goodreads gives it a 4.94 out of five stars. Title: Self Help to Self Harm: The Dubious Guide to Life, Love, and Relationships

Everything I Never Told You

Hello lovely ones. Just a few random thoughts from a chaotic mind. Firstly, I’d like to say that, I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to read and follow this blog. It means the world to me. I’ve connected with some really wonderful and talented folks. I’m grateful for those connections and I know that some of those friendships will carry-on for many years to come. Having said that, I will be cutting back on the amount of time I spend here. Life has taken on a very busy tone of late. I will still be posting but the frequencies of my posts will be more sporadic and sparse. My goal is to at least post once a week.

Secondly, I don’t want to get political but I will say that now more than ever, I am praying for our country.. It should be noted, I’m not even a…

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You Want To Move To Canada? Yay!

This is too good not to reblog,

I Ruin Joy


So you don’t like Trump, you’re going to escape him by going to America’s 51st state. I like when you call us America’s hat, that makes you our shirt, cool, maybe grow some tits. People from everywhere are dying to get into Canada, but when they get here, it’s never quite what they expected. Before you go through all that time and effort, let me explain what you’re getting into.

You’re going to have to learn how to be polite! Try saying “thank you” once, just to practice. Also we say “sorry?” or “pardon?” when we can’t hear you, not “wut?”, we also say sorry to inanimate objects we bump into. If you don’t, people look at you weird.

Oh and the lovely french language, it’s so easy to learn, you’ll love it since it’s the only language spoken after work hours.

Oh no, he has a foyer in his…

View original post 369 more words

Morning Bliss!

Surprises come in all forms!


Good morning my fellow Bloggers, I am going to share some news with you this morning.

birds nest, bird eggs, birds flying, photography, bird watchingPops has a Doctors appointment for his Hypertension today, so we decided to deliver the news to you. Just like your Blogs they go up and down as you humans also experience in your life riding the roller coaster of life.

This morning is on the up! Wait and see how the Doctors visit goes!!!!

robin, birds flying, perching, perch

Do we still have your attention? I hope so, this news is important to our pops, he recently had a DNA test done and wishes for us to share the news with you. It was painless from what I hear and very simple. Would you like to see the results? Well let me hear you sing!



Ethnicity, Native American, Spain, Irish, England

Who knows, some of us just may be related in way or another!


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