Cartoon Fun For Your Blog a la Silver Threading!

One way to have a personality is to use cartoon avatars once in a while. I read this then created one of my featured images with it. Within this post, there is a link that show the way!

Do It Herself


For a while, I’ve been envious of a certain blogger’s cartoon avatar. It looks just like her, and adds an extra touch of personality to her blog.

I was really overjoyed when I read her recent post, which shared one of her avatar secrets.

Within minutes of following the link in Colleen’s blog, I had created my own cartoon avatar, and I have to say, the resemblance is uncanny.

Kids have Barbies; adults have cartoon avatars. Barbies look like Barbies, but avatars look like us. On this one, I’ll have to give the “win” to adults.

I really had so much fun creating my avatar, and I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of her soon.

I’ll leave you with a few images, until then…





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I recently came across a site. I was told by someone, that there are those that charge to reblog, but during my last six months on here, I have not came across one -until today.

I was rather disappointed, not outraged but disappointed, I know some on this platform find ways to generate a revenue which is fine and a damn good idea. But being who I am, the way I am, please keep in mind that I and most other sites will never charge to reblog a post. We do it because we want to. Maybe it fits a theme we are doing for that day. Maybe it is one hell of a post that needed to be shared. Maybe it’s a new blog and needs a little help getting noticed in this vast sea of WordPress Blogs. But when I read $200 dollars for a year, $35 for one reblog. I think there are better ways to generate an income then possibly taking an advantage of someone. This is just how I feel about this. So, if you are one who does this I mean no disrespect -I just disagree with the tactics.

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